Nargis Nehan Denied Votes for Minister Designate for the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP)
Despite the government commitments for women’s political participation, we observe that the realization of these commitments is facing severe obstacles. This results in weakening of women’s inclusion in leadership and decision making in the government.
We express our deep concerns about failure of parliament in giving votes of confidence to Ms. Nargis Nehan, the Minister designate for the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP).
Ms. Nargis Nehan, in the past eight months Ms. Nargis Nehan was has performed at a high level achieving commendable results in her fight against corruption and pursut of reforms for to build good governance systems. She has excelled in creating effective management systems in the MoMP, which has ensured the best use of Afghanistan’s natural resources for economic stability and progress.
Despite her superior eight months of service, her reforms, work, and leadership has been widely ignored by the Parliament, evidenced by their vote on 4 December 2017.
Ms. Nehan is one of the leading managers, who despite securing 107 votes of confidence from Parliament Members, she was unfortunately treated with prejudice and gender discrimination by number of sexist members in the parliament.
The Parliament has repeatedly failed to elect strong and empowered women who value professionalism over nepotism, such as Palwasha Hassan, Najiba Ayubi, Anisa Rasoli, Nasrin Oryakhail and Farida Mohmand.
This parliament has shown its inability and unwillingness to support women’s progress and leadership in Governance.
We fought for women quota seats in the parliament during the Constitutional Loya Jirga process. Because of our struggle, today we have 68 women in the Lower House of Parliament. Our expectations from women parliamentarians are to use their votes through open and transparent process and support competent women, such as Ms. Nahan, who are introduced for vote of confidence.
Key Issues
The Afghan Parliament is openly engaging in misogynist against women.
Some women Parliamentarians are failing to support other women in government, reflecting the lack of support and solidarity among Afghan women in governance. This must change.
The Afghan parliament should re-vote for Ms Nargis Nehan to remain the acting Minister of MoMP.
Civil society should continue their aligned advocacy for a revote for Ms. Nehan’s confirmation.
If Ms. Nergis Nehan is not to be confirmed as the acting Minister of MoMP, the position should be filled by a qualified woman.